Seasonal packaging.

There are many perks of using seasonal packaging, not only can it help increase your sales, but it can also help target new consumers. Seasonal packaging is a good way to introduce new products, launching new products in a seasonal period allows you to test the product to see how it performs before you launch completely.

There are a number holidays that you can take advantage of to boost your sales. HLP Klearfold can help you design and structure your packaging, making it stand out from the crowd. A few are listed below with a little advice from HLP Klearfold.

  • Summer

Summertime is a great time to use seasonal packaging. Making use of big, bright colours such as yellows and blues can really make your packaging stand out. Using our crinkle effect on your packaging will give your packaging a fresh and unique look, perfect for summer.

  • Halloween

Take advantage of Halloween and send out packaging which can grab the attention of your audience. If your target audience is focused more around adults, then they might be more attracted to stylish spooky patterns, our veined pattern effect can be printed under any colour and is perfect for ‘vampire’ styled packaging.

  • Christmas

Christmas is a time when all company’s step up their game to make sure their product sells. HLP Klearfold can help you boost your sales with our range of design effects, and our ability to structure your packaging, making it one in a million. Our glitter printing effect would be perfect to represent snowflakes.

It’s never too early to start planning for any seasonal event and HLP Klearfold is here to help you every step of the way. Get in touch to request a free sample pack or a meeting with one of our account managers.

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